
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Little Fairy

I know this is a little premature posting about Halloween but we have put together Kendalls costume for her first one. Her GG got her a Tutu when they were here for the summer and she wore it a couple times for kicks and giggles. We very recently have a new store in town called Fairytales and Fantasies. If you just think about the name for a minute you will figure out it is every girls favorite store. It is tutus and wings and headbands galore. It look like a fairy exploded in there, there is so much girly fairy stuff. The best part is, it is all very reasonably priced.

I have been driving by this store twice a day for the last week and wanting to stop but just never have had the time. So while Prairie Princess was here visiting us, we decided to take one day and go to town and visit the local farmers market and make a few other stops in town. Once again I kind of spaced it that I wanted to stop in there and just as we were getting ready to pass it my mom remembered and we zipped in. I was very surprised with all the stuff they have. Its actually a national company (its called Halo Heaven, you should be able to google it if you want to look it up) that is based out of Connor, MT which if you have ever been there its a extremely small town that contains a gas station, bar, Post office and mini mart (all in 1 building might i add). Anyways we found a little shirt with some ruffles, a couple flower clips to attach to a headband I already had and some fairy wings. We only spend $11 which is a great price i think. Below is a picture of the end results. The shirt didn't stay white very long since we gave her a cracker but she is all ready to go for her first Halloween. I have a photographer friend who is doing a Halloween photo special so I think I am going to get her all dressed up and get her pictures done.

I just love her, she is so cute!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Today is the day!!!!

My sister Prairie Princess (if I abbreviated her name it would be PP and that's weird so i think i will stick to typing the whole thing out) gets here today, we are all so very excited to be able to see her for a few days. She is going to help me revamp my blog so its prettier, i really only know how to do a few basic things and the design is not one of them, i just chose one of the templates provided. Kendall gets to see her Auntie, which she is very excited about. She is currently screaming in her bed cause she wants her to be here already (its more of a whine cause she doesn't want to nap) but for now we can call it impatience. They are going to spend the day together tomorrow playing while i am at work, i think they are also going to be spending Friday together as well.
I have not been so great about taking pictures lately, my camera is not working very well so i have been using my sisters, and to be honest i really haven't had time to take many, so when i think about it i snap a few shots of her sleeping or eating lunch and there may be a couple of her super cute zebra shoes. But these next few days I will be sure to take some good ones while we are out and about with my sister.

Hope everyone is having a Happy Wednesday :)


This post has absolutely nothing to do with parenting or being a "Mommy".

I cannot stand when people put their drama on facebook. Its supposed to be a happy place where friends can stay in contact after parting ways from school or moving. Yes you may have family issues but keep them in the family and not for everyone and their "friend" to see. It is not appropriate and it can hurt people. If you are going to complain about the comments other people put on your posts why post about your cheating spouse or about how much you hate someone? Unfriend them!! I am tired of seeing so many negative things about other people. Write it in a journal or call up your bff and vent to them about it cause facebook is NOT the place for it. Seriously, how much sympathy can you find in a typed statement? It really can't make you feel that much better. If you don't like your life you are the only one who can change it, not your "friends" on facebook. I know i am not the only person who feels this way, cause i have seen several posts from different people regarding this topic. That's all I am going to say on the subject, just had to get it off my chest.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Kendall is now 7 months old!!! Crazy how fast time goes by. She is about 27 inches long (i haven't measured her recently) and she is about 22 pounds. At work we stick her on the postage scale to see how much she weighs, its pretty funny.

  • She does this thing now were she bobs her head and it looks like she is shaking her head yes, so I will sit there and ask her questions where the answer is always "Yes" its pretty hilarious. I will ask the question and she will shake her head and smile and then stop and i will ask another question and she will nod and smile and it goes on until she gets bored. I think last night i got in about 20 questions.

  • Says "Da da da da da da" she can also say "ba" and "ta" but "da" is her favorite. We hadn't seen Jason for a few days over the weekend cause we were all sick and just wanted to stay home. Come Monday all day long all she said was "da da da da" so he came over and saw us and she was so excited. I tried to get her to say "ma" but she just looked and me and said "da"

  • She can army crawl (i think it looks more like an inch worm) she is getting really good at it and if she wants you to pick her up she will cry and crawl over to were you are, this morning she crawled all the way down the hall to try and find me.

  • Sitting in her highchair watching is one of her favorite things to do, probably cause she gets to play with the wooden cooking spoons (she loves them) also usually while she is in there she gets cheerios or a graham cracker to munch on.

  • We all had a cold this weekend and Kendall had her first fever and for once she wanted to just cuddle and be held (usually she cant sit still).

  • While we are waiting for her to get a spot in head start, we have a weekly home visit from our caseworker. Its kind of a pain in the butt having to take off early from work 1 day every week so this lady can come over and watch us play. I got a scholarship application to fill out so maybe we can get some funds from an alternate source to send Kendall to daycare. I think the home meetings are a waste of time and the only reason I am doing it is so that it helps get her into a center spot faster.

  • You can almost always get her to smile, she is very happy all the time unless she is not getting what she wants, which is usually when she is hungry or you are putting her down for a nap.

My older sister "Auntie Colie" will be here in a week from today and we are so excited cause we have not seen her since May. Kendall looks scared in this picture but she really does lover her Auntie.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Inch worm

Kendall is a moving machine. She cant crawl but she can scoot herself across the floor when she sees something that she wants. I suppose it would be kind of like and army crawl but she looks like an inch worm when she does it. It is now officially time to baby proof the house cause as soon as she sees something she wants she will scoot over there as fast as she can to snatch it up, just random things like the dog brush but books and magazines are her favorite. If she gets a hold of one of those she will rip it to shreds.

We unfortunately didn't get into head start this go around but they have 3 more openings in another month and they will do another round of selecting who gets those spots and hopefully we are one of them. Having her at work now is another full time job in itself, there are so many things she sees here that she wants and she definitely cannot have them. Just today i had to give her a piece of paper to distract her from all the other "fun" things she sees. I don't want to put her in daycare for a month if she gets one of the head start spots. My sister still watches her occasionally (mostly just when she feels like it and that's not very often anymore). But its looking like that might be what i have to do, she is to mobile to keep her here much longer. Just in writing this post i have probably had to stop between 5-10 times cause she has gotten into something she is not supposed to.

Sleepy heads

Kendall and Jason sleep exactly the same. On the floor with her toys, and him outside after playing softball (and with her toys).