
A journey through the wild ride of being a first time mother

You can read every book on the shelf about being a parent and what to expect with your new baby, but the only true preparation is experiencing it first hand.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


As Kendall gets older the things she like are become clearer and are constantly changing.

Some of her likes and a few things about her are:

  • Sitting up and playing with her toys, she can do it all on her own now, occasionally she does fall over.

  • Feeding herself when she uses a bottle, she usually gets lazy halfway through and wants you to hold it for her.

  • Sitting in the highchair eating her dinner, when she first started eating baby food it was a complete mess, but she now has the hang of it and will open her mouth when she is ready for the next bite. So far she has liked all her veggies.

  • Sucking on the washcloth after you wipe her face with it.

  • Bath time, she loves to splash.

  • Believe it or not she loves being in the car now, I hardly notice her except when she is talking to herself.

  • She still loves the swing, it has gotten its use and she is now almost to big for it.

  • She will now scream if she is tired or if she is playing, you can tell the difference between the 2.

  • She can roll both ways and is all over the place.

  • If you sit next to her while she is playing or while you are holding her, she will pat you.

  • She still uses a pacifier but only when she is falling asleep.

  • She loves being outside, playing on a blanket or out in the stroller.

  • She puts everything in her mouth, doesn't matter what it is if its in her hand its going to her mouth.

  • She drools like crazy, she is not teething (I check pretty much everyday for bumps) she just drools a lot sometimes the front of her clothes are just soaked, i have to keep a bib on her pretty much all the time.

  • Her spitting up has gotten way better, she still does it but its not like before were she spit up every time she ate.

Those are just a few things about her and what she likes, I am sure there is more but for the time being that is all i can come up with. Hard to believe in a week and a half she will be 6 months old!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011


When I first started a blog, I figured there would be a lot of time for me to create posts. Boy was I wrong!! Between working almost full time, entertaining Kendall 24/7 and on the weekends (my days off) we are out and about in town running errands or doing housework, aside from that stuff there are a lot of things we are out doing cause it is summer. There is really not a lot of time in between. This weekend for example my mom and I had a bridal shower to go to for a girl we play bunco with and it was also our little town event called Daly Days. The restaurant where the shower was held happened to be right smack dab in the middle of where Daly Days was. So instead of haul Kendall around in the stroller and finding a place to store all her stuff while we were at the shower Jason watched her for a few hours and although I got a nice little break I was still busy.

Even taking pictures has turned out to be hard work. I would forget the camera or it has dead batteries. Finally I just stuck it in the diaper bag and there is where it stays and i try to take a few pictures daily. Then is getting around to find the time to put the pictures onto my computer and posting them to here. Its a constant battle but eventually I will find a way to balance everything out.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hot hot hot!!!

Yesterday it was 100 degrees!!!! Kendall did not like it, i didnt even like it for that matter. We complain all winter long about how we can't wait for it to be summer cause its to cold and then when summer hits and it gets to be super hot we wish it would cool down. I dont mind the warm or it being hot but 100 degrees is too hot, you dont want to go outside and it makes babies crabby. Today wasnt as bad and tomorrow is supposed to be better, thank goodness!!!

Today it was really windy and blew part of one of our trees down :( my planted it like 14 years ago and it was so big and about half of it fell off.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Kendall loves eating her vegetables. First we started with the green vegetables peas and green beans and she really like the peas but didn't like the green beans as much. Today we moved onto orange vegetables and carrots was the first one she got to try and she loved them. She kept reaching for the spoon and by the time we were done she was an orange mess. For the time being while she is learning to eat real food she is only having them once a day. Since she has started eating the veggies she doesn't like to eat the rice cereal just plain, i will stick the spoon in her mouth and she just gives me this face like what is this boring stuff you are giving me, where is the flavor? Once she gets used to the carrots we will switch to sweet potatoes and then after that will be squash. To make sure she is not allergic to anything or has a bad reaction you are supposed to give them the same food for a week, I have been doing 4 days. I mix half a jar of baby food with about a 1/4 cup of rice cereal and she can eat almost the whole thing with a few ounces of a bottle to wash it all down.

I do have one complaint though, there is not a lot of variety as far as vegetables. Green beans, peas, carrots, squash and sweet potato are the only ones. There sure is a whole lot of variety of fruits though. Once she gets used to everything i will start mixing different things together like peas and carrots to give her some more different flavors. Once she gets some teeth she will be able to eat steamed vegetables and be able to feed herself, that will be so exciting. She is growing up so fast!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekend off

This past weekend I got a weekend off. Jason had a softball tournament in a town called Anaconda and its not really a very family friendly environment. Things get a lot wild and its just not a place to bring a baby (although some people do bring their families, i think they are crazy those kids are liable to see anything). I had known I wanted to go to this softball tournament since I got to go last year, it was a lot of fun, teams come from North Dakota to Washington and everywhere in between so there is lots of good competition.

About a month ago I put a bug into my parents ear that I would like to go and if it would be possible for them to watch Kendall for the whole weekend. I wanted to give them plenty of time in advance to think about it and decide. Every now and then i would bring it up just to remind them and they would think about it a little more and then finally last week they decided they would watch her so i could go.

Jason and I left Friday around noon and drove the 2 hours and set up camp once we got there. A select few teams have games Friday evening but most of the excitement starts Saturday morning. Of course Jason's team got a Friday night game so once we got into town we set up camp and then headed over to the field for their game. Because this is such a large tournament with probably near to 200 teams they have games in surrounding towns (Butte and Deerlodge). We got lucky and only had 1 game in Butte and the rest were in the main complex in Anaconda which has 6 fields. It was so weird going away without our baby, when we first left i kept looking in the backseat of the car as if i needed to check on her when really it was just the dog rolling around back there. They ended up winning 3 of their 5 games. Because they won their first 3 games we had a lot of town time sitting in camp and watching other teams play. If they had lost they would have had to play a lot more games and they all would have been out of town. There is a definite advantage to being in the winners bracket so that is where they try to stay. Unfortunately this morning didn't go so well a few of the players had a little to much fun last night and couldn't manage to catch a ball to save their lives, it was very frustrating to everyone on the team and all the fans watching to watch outfielders dropping balls and making error after error. I am ashamed to admit this, but as much as i wanted them to win i also wanted them to lose out. I had no idea because of how many teams there were that the championship game wouldn't be until 6:30pm Sunday night. I couldn't be gone that late i had to get home to my baby who i missed so much.

Now that I have rambled on forever about the weekend, the moral of the post was after having a baby and her being the center of attention for the last 5 months, it was very nice to have a weekend off where it was just Jason and I (and well about 1000 other people crammed into a tiny town). I missed her every second i was gone and couldn't wait to get home to her and boy was she happy to see me when i walked in the door. I don't think I will get that much time "off" for a really long time now and I am fine with that, i missed her to much.


Peas and rice cereal anyone??? Kendall is now starting in on her vegetables. Today was day 3 of her eating them and she is really loving it. She loves just sitting in the highchair with us while we eat meals or when she is eating her veggies or cereal. Tonight she didnt seem very interested in the food and just wanted to eat her bib so there was food everywhere. It was a tad bit annoying cause i just wanted her to eat her dinner but she wanted to play with the bib and cloth i had sitting there. At one point she even tried to take the bowl and spoon from me, that would have made a mess. Later while we were eating dinner she was just sitting there watching sucking on a piece of celery. She is very curious about food and loves trying everything. Well most everything. I dont give her anything that is spicy or would give her an upset stomach, its mostly fruits or veggies and occasionally some ice cream or frosting. In a few more days she will get to try some green beans and from there we will move onto yellow veggies and then eventually fruit. Its a slow process doing one food at a time but before we know it she will be eating real food.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Camping Trip

Kendall gets to go on her very first camping trip this weekend. We are going to a small town called St Regis for the 4th of July softball tournament. We went last year and it was really fun, very family friendly and a nice camping area. It was very hard packing for a camping trip not knowing how much of everything i am going to need for her cause we will be sleeping in a tent and be outside the whole time. You should see the pile of stuff i have sitting on the porch waiting for Jason to load up into the car. It should be fun and i am really looking forward to it. I have my camera packed into my purse so i will be able to talk lots of pictures to show everyone. I was worried she wouldn't like being away from home so long and that she would be fussy but she really likes being outside so i think she will be ok. We shall find out, I will let you all know how it goes.